Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010:
Today is a quiet day. We wake up in the middle of corn and soybean fields here in Southern Illinois. It feels a lot like Central Pennsylvania except that there are few hills on the horizon. You can see for miles. We decide to spend another night at the Casey KOA. I have several conference calls to make and it is just easier to work when you know the cell signal won't be going in and out on you (the only downside I can find to working on the road - sporadic cell coverage for internet and phone). Gary finds project around the RV to keep himself busy while I work - not much to report today. The weather is great - sunny and 95 degrees but a storm is coming in tomorrow so we will hit the road early - headed to Rockford, IL and my niece's wedding. My family arrives by plane by noon and we have about 5 hours of driving in front of us (not a problem for me as I am still waking up at 5AM local time - but Gary is enjoying sleeping in). Gary is out taking wildlife photos as I write, so look for some pics in tomorrow's post. Wishing you all well - ttyl!


jane squibb said...
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