Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday Night June 10, 2011 We Don’t Need No Stinkin Lists…

Ok, so I made it to Walterboro, SC – about 340 miles from my starting point today. I am staying at the New Green Acres campground just off route 95….I wonder where the Old Green Acres is?!?!? Anyway, when we loaded up the bus I did not create my typical lists of what to pack. I did not review what was already in the motor home. I just grabbed clothing and toiletries, and kitchen supplies and other random stuff that seemed absolutely necessary and decided to leave a week earlier than we had planned. Don’t ask me why I did this because I don’t think I can give you a single response. I only know that it felt like the right thing to do. I did not have anxiety about the trip, which is out of character for me. I just figured I would buy or do without whatever came up. I am a resourceful mid-40 something, right? RIGHT! OK, so I loaded up bag upon bag of stuff that seemed - as I already said - absolutely necessary - and now that I am parked for the night I need to unpack this stuff so that I can find the bed I need to sleep in tonight (OK, so I could have chosen to sleep on the couch, but those of you who know me know that this was not an option in my DNA makeup and I did drink 3 glasses of caffeinated iced tea for dinner…so on with the unpacking). Now, in my defense, and those of you who know me well know that if I need to defend myself from the start that this is one to add to the “stupid Traci stories to tell at the wake,” I did not have my lists. I am a planner by nature. I make lists for plan A and for Plans B, C, D, and E. It is what I do. But – I did not make or refer to lists this time and now that I am half way through the unpacking I see the error of my ways. I NEED SOME STINKIN LISTS - a reference to two of our favorite movies. After unpacking the third deodorant and the fourth bottle of shaving cream, I think, really? I don’t think I use a single bottle every six months so why will I need four bottles for a two month trip. Perhaps leg hairs grow really fast in Canada – time will tell. Moving over to the clothes bags... My God! What was I thinking? I may not need to wash underwear for four weeks given the amount I packed. And I am wondering where did all this underwear come from anyway? At home I swear I can not find a pair for seven days in the week? I think I just grabbed the entire drawer and I must have stumbled on a lost treasure trove of tidy whities. Heavens, some even had the tags on them – if I find any thongs then I know the gremlins have been here. I consider those items on par with nylons as a man made device created to torture the female population…but I digress. Lists – gotta have ‘em! Till next time dear and faithful friends, May God Bless You in your travels, and remember to keep those lists on hand!

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