Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, July 5th, 2010:

I arose early so I decided to clean up the Walmart parking lot in return for our free night's lodging (Pet peeve #1: Why can't people just return the shopping carts to the little corrals before they leave. It is not like you have to return them to the store front like when we were young). Oh well, it was good exercise and Gary was awake by the time I finished. Today we are on a mission. We need to get to Nashville Tennessee - or more specifically to Route 100 south of Nashville to the Loveless Cafe for lunch. Gary has his eye on the mountain of pulled pork and I plan on ordering their fried chicken. Yeah, we know, not healthy fare! We DO NOT CARE - we are on a mission and that mission involves buttermilk biscuits - YUM!!!

We arrived around 2PM ET (1 PM local) only to find out that about 200 other people were on the same mission (where is mission control when you need them) and we would have to wait 2 and a half hours for a table. Well, hand it to my resourceful husband (take note that I am praising him here as that is not always my initial reaction - those who know me know my quick Scottish temper - thanks PopPop for sharing that part of our family genes- at least I have not disowned any family members yet I cry! - anyway, back to resourceful hubby) who said - "We don't need a table. We have a motorhome" and the restaurant host informed us that our meals would be ready in 15 minutes. Well, he lied! We had our hot, fattening, luscious meals of pulled pork, fried chicken, buttermilk biscuits, homemade jams, green beans (they tasted more like bacon than veggies - YUM), and hash brown casserole in our hands in 12 minutes and off we went in search of a parking lot. Thanks to the local Baptist church we had a lovely picnic and were licking the grease off our fingers less than hour after we arrived at the Loveless (with leftovers for tomorrow - again I say YUM).
The rest of the day was uneventful (or maybe we slept through it - I mean a full belly and lack of sleep the night before, it really was a blur) and the next thing we knew we were through Tennessee and Kentucky and just ready to cross the border into Illinois. We stopped for the night and decided to enjoy a movie. We watched Eclipse (Team Jake here, my friends. YUM does not only apply to food you know) and collapsed into a sound sleep - again at the hosting of a friendly Walmart. This drycamping thing is a breeze I tell ya!

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